A NeXT Vending Guide: The Vending Industry FAQ For Vendors
We've launched our newest guide, The Vending Industry's FAQ For Vendors. This is a much more detailed and focused FAQ than our previous work and will help you:
- Use the formula that professional vendors use to determine if a deal is a GOOD or BAD deal.
- Identify how to secure a location that makes $1,000 a month.
- Identify the difference between a good and bad location. You will be able to pitch your services to top level locations and not waste your time and money on low volume locations.
In addition to this you will learn a lot more relating to vending. You will learn where to purchase insurance, how to assess a machine, how to know with certainty if a machine can have a credit card reader placed on it, plus much more. We've even included an ACTUAL PROPOSAL that we created and used to pitch our services to one of the top hotels in our area. With this proposal we were able to secure this level A location and similar ones like it in our area. Review the proposal so you can see an actual proposal and what information it provides to the location's decision maker. Once you buy it, you will always get every updated version of this item for free.
You'll get the newest guide from NeXT Vending specifically geared to help you secure quality locations.